Best2...hari tu ada gi umah membe..duk sibuk2 kat dapur umah dia ternampak la benda alah ni...ingatkan periuk ke apa ke..skali dia cakap ni la detoxifier..
Antara ayat yang paling saya suka dengar :
"Kalu ko tak nak (malas la tu..hehe) cuci sayur2 tu guna air paip..ko guna je benda ni..dh ada setting dah untuk sayur ke buah ke, beras ke, daging ke..botol susu anak ko pun boleh"..
"Oit, aku mana ada anak lagi la wei"
"Haha..aku tau la, maksud aku esok2 bila ko dah ada anak la..hehe"
Pastu dia pun gi ambik buah anggur terus dia msukkan air dalam bekas ni dan tekan setting utk buah-buahan..pastu sambil2 tunggu lebih kurang 8 minit tu, kami borak lagi..saya lebih teruja untuk lihat hasilnya sebenarnya dari apa yang dia cakap...ahahaha..;P
"Skarang ni, ko dah tak payah susah2 nak beli sayur @ buah organik kat pasaraya tu..ko pakai je benda ni untuk remove toxic2 ke pesticide yg dorang guna tu..botol susu anak aku pun aku rendam je dalam ni..ala2 sterile mcm kat klinik gitu"
Dan hasilnya......alamak, tak snap picture la pulak..dan memang sedap rasa anggur yang dah di detox guna biosafe ni compare to anggur yang basuh biasa je..nama pun detoxifier kan..mesti la semua toxin pun boleh dibuang..dia cakap hampir 99% bahan kimia yang ada dalam buah boleh kan..sekali beli je boleh guna untuk buah2 yang bukan organic jadi organic..saya mmg suka kalau bab2 organik nih..
Ni saya copy skit information pasal benda alah ni untuk korang baca yea..korang semua bijak pandai kan bahasa english..kalau tak paham, copy paste kat google translation yea..hehe
Pesticides presence in our essential food chain like vegetable and fruits are a common thing we have to deal with. Even organic vegetables produce are not spare totally. The quality of the organic food as claimed by many organic food producer cannot be verify and ascertain. There are instance of organic vegetable farmers growing in a land surrounded by other non organic producer hence getting pesticides toxification from contaminated surrounding water source. Even though the farmer does not uses pesticide and chemical fertilisers, the corps still getting it from its surrounding environment.
Preservative are found in abundance in imported fruits. Why would that be the case? A ripe fruit would have rot within a few day without preservatives, it would have rot even before it gets a custom clearance during shipment. It has always been the case that we encourage our children to consume more fruits but what happen to the preservative? Would just soaking it in water be sufficient?
Washing with water and soaking it for a period of time would have been the case until recent innovative product with advance technology that has made break through in truly eliminating harmful chemical from our foods. Introducing the latest cutting edge technology in food cleansing technology – BioSafe Plasma Detoxifier.
What is BioSafe Plasma
BioSafe plasma detoxifier is a specially designed cleansing equipment use to cleanse common household essential like Vegetable, Fruits, Baby Utensils, Baby cloths and etc. Its main function is to kill off harmful bacteria and neutralises toxic commonly found in food in the form of pesticides.
How BioSafe Plasma Work
BioSafe Plasma Detoxifier uses an advance patented technology from Korea. BioSafe generates Hydroxyl Radical ion (OH-) to perform an active reaction with many Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) tying away one Hydrogen (H+) ion from VOC. As a results from these reaction, toxic will be neutralised and bacteria killed.
Clinical and labratory tests have proven using of Hydroxyl radical is safe for housewhole usage because radical ion (OH-) produced in the cleansing process has a very short life span that is about 10-9 of a second and would not pose health hazard.
Features of BioSafe
BioSafe comes with a specially made detachable container that you can remove, wash and dry separately after used. This is to ensure the electrical part of the system does not get wet during wash thus reducing the risk of rust that can cause short circuit to its electrical component.
Its water container is able to fill up to 5 liters of water enough to comfortably clean food for the whole family.
It has a specially design holder which can be use to submerge floating fruits and baby feeding bottle to ensure maximum cleansing for floating items.
Its has four plasma generator to allow generate and evenly distribution of Hydroxyl Radical in its container during operation. All radicals produce will vaporise.
As compare to some older food cleansing technology, BioSafe does not emit odour or sound in operation. It does not required periodical routine parts replacement or servicing giving you cost saving in long run.
aduyaiii... berpinar pinar baca pasal kimia... kimia ai dulu cukup2 makan je...
hehe..rilex la...cuba tgk betapa kompleks nya chemical yang ada dalam bahan makanan skarang..
da,jat terpaksa skip part yg bawah 2.pnjang sgt.tkut tertdur je.hihi
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